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It is what you are required to do. ( Part 2) : Jehovah's field is vacant.

We are living in different societies; yet the very fact we can not run away from is that, we are all humans.

Humankind being part of the Creation by the God Almighty means that it is His property ( John 1 verse 3). The adversary of good that which is Lucifer also known as Satan has been and is deceiving our neighbours. Note that your neighbour is anyone who is said to be human.

There is true need for us to persuade each other to do that which is good in every society that we have the ability to reach. We have to fight against that which is folly (every immoral activity) that has made the world its territory but will not win. 

Therefore from our efforts to fish men so that many may be saved from the lake of fire that will devour the Devil at the appointed time that will not change ( Revelations 20  verse 1-3).

The Devil is simply luring all the people with what people are calling 'riches', 'swag' and many other terms that they are using to describe that which Lucifer is blinding them with so as to destroy them. The formula being used right here is that the Devil is using most youngsters, the middle aged and old aged to demolish themselves.

What we are supposed to do is to fight for our friends and families who lack trust in Jehovah and have indulged in apostasy.  It should not even scare us for it has been said centuries ago that false prophets and false teachings plus powers will destroy the people (Ezekiel 13 verse 3). We have the ability to flee from this misery through working for Him who made us to be what we are immediately ( 2 Corinthians 6 verse 1-8).

Away from the iniquity we were all born with, Jesus Christ was crucified for you and me. Sacrifice yourself to work. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, anyone who follows Him will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. ( John 8 verse 12)

Telling the willing that which is the truth that can set them free so as for them to quit every type of activity that do not have anything to do with the pleasure of the Omnipotent. God Almighty's law is immutable, His words do not change in any way; He is love and is patient, this is your period to surrender everything that you think is in your possession to Him for without He you are nothing.
Turn away from the previous life that has nothing to do with the pleasure of the One who is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent; Jehovah the Creator of everything. "What agreement has the temple of the living God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God."  (2 Corinthians 6 verse 16-18)

Indulge in prayer for every heart of stone to be replaced with a new heart of flesh. ( Ezekiel 11 verse 19-20)

If you are reading or listening to this message then choose what you want before the time dictates. Jehovah's field requires you immediately. With all your ability do not ignore this message because you need it so as someone else, rights to publish it anywhere you can have been long approved!
With Regards,
Gerald Tapiwa Moyo (@Gerald_Tapiwa_M),
Poet | Author | Spokenword Motivator,
The Small True Activity | @Small_True_Acts on Twitter|
#OpenDoors : Letting the truth known to the willing.


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