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An Ongoing Movement | #Say_No_To_Erotic

There is only one way to decide, that is; pointing straight at what you truly want but first of all think of what you need. This Movement will not park aside the road to be amazed by a scenery of daredevils. This script comes in not to judge anyone but it is part of the pillars of success that you need in order for you to truly succeed. Bear it in mind that the most honest component in this life is time.

The point that I am sticking my hands into is that what you choose today determines what you will lose tomorrow. Standing up with eroticism sounds the same as saying that Lucifer will rule one day, which is just a daydream.

On the case of King Solomon in Bible; the way he wrote is not the way it is clearly is. Solomon was just there to portray the way that will happen when Jesus Christ comes. Solomon was a prophet so God used him in a way that most people cannot easily comprehend without careful analysis.
What you feel for is what you reel from the menu. Children and every other person need an erotic-free society be it through literature or media. Eroticism clearly illustrates the Devil's playground to pull you down into the dungeon that you cannot escape unless you; give your everything to the One who gave you freedom through the truth that we are denying.

Writing using eroticism in your content is clearly a statement that you really want to enjoy the pleasure of this world that has a wanton that wants to devour your trust for the One who created you. The aim of eroticism in every aspect of every industry has been linked to the Devil being in control of lives. Erotics control the weak, but if you persist then you are killing the identities of others while you are dying out slowly. This is because in reality when advertising a product using the act of sex; the only thing that is then promoted is eroticism and not the product for to some extent the product loses publicity. Research on this and you will understand for there is better evidence; if you check online in one issue of The Economist Magazine of 2006 it was proven that using sex simply advertises sex and not the product.

No matter how meaningful a message maybe, as long as eroticism is favoured by the base of the story then there is no better way to describe the state but;  CONFUSED.

Eroticism is a tool used by the Devil to control you. Satan uses too many ways to trap you. From pornography as portrayed in every piece of art you read; dishabille men and women are the center of attraction and the next move is the mind destroyed and overturned. It becomes a whitewash.

Make your choice today or tomorrow will be unquenchable fire to devour what is described as you due to the consequences.
#Say_No_To_Erotic and the life that you have been falsely promised bliss by the Devil can be all truth through the One and only Saviour Jesus Christ.

This is because if you have accepted the Almighty God as your everything you will be keen to write with sanity whatever that you in decide to work on be it a poem, song or film even an advertisement. This is because you will be having respect for the One created you. So this is a call for you to understand that using eroticism in anything to do with literature and media is a pure lack of respect to the Creator of everything. Give our Creator the honour He deserves.

To be continued.
With Regards,
Gerald Tapiwa Moyo (The Given Heart)
@gerald_tapiwa_m | @microfactics | on Twitter.

Last updated 22 December 2019


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