Meaning: Small True
Founded :
09 May
The main
Eradicating all imbecility (folly, stupidness, lewdness, senselessness).
Preaching benevolence so that the world may turn into a good place for the pleasure of the Almighty God whom is the Creator of all things, the KING of all known and unknown kings of this little earth.
All you
have to do is quit all folly and start preaching benevolence.
The main and master purpose of writing these arts is to please the
Almighty God so that we would honor our Creator.
So that us humans would practice good acts and have the desire to do what is pleasant in the presence and eyes of Our Creator in heaven of which his presence is everywhere may it be underwater for He knows and watches over each and everything , every second and third. He also knows the numbers of all living born immediately.
So that us humans would practice good acts and have the desire to do what is pleasant in the presence and eyes of Our Creator in heaven of which his presence is everywhere may it be underwater for He knows and watches over each and everything , every second and third. He also knows the numbers of all living born immediately.
Explanation about Microfactics.
From Micro- it means 'small', -fact- means something 'true' ,-ics a suffix which means activity.
Microfactics is the Small True Activity.
Factfulnessity (truthfulness) is a combination of the qualities that should be done by human beings and some of them are truthfulness, hopefulness, trustworthiness, faithfulness, transparency meaning honesty and cheerfulness.Microfactics is the Small True Activity.
Microfactics ,to eradicate all folly meaning that:
i. No to pornography
ii. No to lewdness
iii. No to alcoholism
iv. No to any of imbecility.
v. No to idolatry or worshiping of any other god other than the Creator of all things, the Almighty God who is the Prince of peace and Lords of all living lords, whom is also the King of all living kings, The Major Emperor of all little emperors of this little earth.
vi. Doing anything that is forbidden as on the Ten commandments is surely an abomination in the eyes and presence of the Creator on His heavenly throne.
vii. Without the Lord God Almighty we are nothing at all and we have nothing surely nothing at all we are bare for this is reality not a rehearsal of the useless and stupid activities we practice on this earth.
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