Title : Fallen Elephant.
Poet : Gerald Tapiwa Moyo
Surprisingly depressing.
An uplifting mentor.
An International Motivational tool.
A depicter of life changing melodies.
Everywhere I hear people chanting,
Tuku! All over.
Dr Tuku gone but wondrous works will not fade.
The Elephant that echoed loud and proud.
Multitudes rolled into Dzimbadzemabwe.
This fallen star exhibited his tactfulness.
Dr. Tuku departed to rest for a short time.
We salute this Elephant he was triumphant.
Families cry not.
Celebrate the life of this superstar.
He came from the dust,
He went back into the dust.
For Dr Oliver Mutukudzi.
Surprisingly depressing.
An uplifting mentor.
An International Motivational tool.
A depicter of life changing melodies.
Everywhere I hear people chanting,
Tuku! All over.
Dr Tuku gone but wondrous works will not fade.
The Elephant that echoed loud and proud.
Multitudes rolled into Dzimbadzemabwe.
This fallen star exhibited his tactfulness.
Dr. Tuku departed to rest for a short time.
We salute this Elephant he was triumphant.
Families cry not.
Celebrate the life of this superstar.
He came from the dust,
He went back into the dust.
For Dr Oliver Mutukudzi.
Poet : Gerald Tapiwa Moyo
Surprisingly depressing.
An uplifting mentor.
An International Motivational tool.
A depicter of life changing melodies.
Everywhere I hear people chanting,
Tuku! All over.
Dr Tuku gone but wondrous works will not fade.
The Elephant that echoed loud and proud.
Multitudes rolled into Dzimbadzemabwe.
This fallen star exhibited his tactfulness.
Dr. Tuku departed to rest for a short time.
We salute this Elephant he was triumphant.
Families cry not.
Celebrate the life of this superstar.
He came from the dust,
He went back into the dust.
For Dr Oliver Mutukudzi.
An uplifting mentor.
An International Motivational tool.
A depicter of life changing melodies.
Everywhere I hear people chanting,
Tuku! All over.
Dr Tuku gone but wondrous works will not fade.
The Elephant that echoed loud and proud.
Multitudes rolled into Dzimbadzemabwe.
This fallen star exhibited his tactfulness.
Dr. Tuku departed to rest for a short time.
We salute this Elephant he was triumphant.
Families cry not.
Celebrate the life of this superstar.
He came from the dust,
He went back into the dust.
For Dr Oliver Mutukudzi.
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