It was one of the days of this life I live.
I suddenly went into this state that most people would not understand.
It was so intense it seemed the people were confused as if I was out of hand.
It was a mysterious mist that I was seeing to my own viewing,
I still see it.
Ever since I started seeing making me know what I did not.
Listening to it's roars I have been uttering decent truth,
This truth is almost making those around me see and feel like am psychopathic.
New and old
Are leaving me deserted simply because they do not want to accept the truth,
That is there to set them free from what seems complex to them,
When it is only possible to those who inquire about what is true.
The feature of the dark cloud in the atmosphere engulfed my senses causing me to act in this way that I do.
It has been so
To some people yet the best is coming for I guess,
This is just the foundation of verity to be revealed because the Author of Life is saying the time is at hand.
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