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They call it Freedom!

Is almost everyone loving what they are calling Freedom?
Uttering of words that are not even fit for coming out of a human mouth.
It will be the same even if you go to the South,
The youth are almost like they are commanding those in the forties.

When dressing up they take hours,
Yet when they say they done...
They will be almost like they are wearing nocturnal clothing.
For they  will be almost naked, dishabille.
Whenever it is time for them to listen to what they call, 'music' the contents are causing destruction to their

Young boys dragging their trousers below their buttocks,
Simply because of what they see in the misleading movies.

Office desks have became
beds, for adultery is mounted everywhere.
When they overhear someone,
who is blamed for a crime
they run to smite in the face.
But who had been on the schedule for checking on them when they
commit adultery with their

It is so obvious?

They call it freedom,
they say we bribe and they salute.
The flute is being with the same rhythm,
Is this what they call 'freedom' which is an open imprisonment by the evil one.
Yet they do not see,
the prison bars they are blinded,
wherever they go they are
Escorted in chains.

They boast yet on the inside,
they do not feel it
that they are being forced.
The one a child calls a father,
comes back home on the pay day, with empty pockets....
Due to the liquor outlets and the mistresses that call the corners of the streets their offices...
Whilst the outfits worn ends where they begin.

When you tell them to wear in decent manner it will be gazetted as a crime against rights.
Rights? Of being an advertisement to those that are experienced in lewdness and sexual abuse?

Then is it what they call freedom.
When you politely say that alcohol is corrupt to the body
which is of the Creator.
They tell you that the Bible tells us to drink and not be dismally drunk.

Yet they believe in lies.
The Bible never made such
A mistake, for it says, "drunkards shall not inherit the earth."

They are busy granting the people who have lost their minds to say that they want rights to practice homosexuality.

They also gamble, fight and say it is sport.
They still call it Freedom.

Finally the world needs to flee from all this foolish practices.

©Gerald Tapiwa Moyo | Microfactics Incorporation |
@Gerald_Tapiwa_M | @Small_True_Acts | Exhibition of  Benevolence.
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