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It has been so long,
I have seen it as it was being brought along,
Moments went by as everything,
I thought was happening,
Was the opposite.
I had been musing,
Yet the whole situation has been away
from my choosing,
It seemed more like a confusion,
Yet from my mind's vision,
It really felt like an unnoticed abrasion,
It had emerged on an unalarmed surface,
The very evidence was that I felt it on
my face,
That those who are supposed to score,
Anybody with the very potential to get to
the shore,
Is letting the balloon get blown,
By the jealous clown.

I have been asking myself all along,
If I had not really known.
The majority is being led astray,
By brainwashers who seem to stay,
Like good doers when they are evil.
Even if you really open your eyes; naked
You get to really witness that they act
and dress,
Evidently to portray that they live to
please the devil.
Those who were once in the right routes,
Had failed to get to the stage when they
must be recruits,
In their Creator's army so as to be part of
the convoy,
Most humankind shows its envy,
Denying real life counsels when there is
no need to.

Losing the chance to get to the master-key,
That was given to anyone to has ability
to think for none is like an osprey.
I might be called names for this
Yet it is due to the blessing of
realising that I had not known.
It is the best position to be called mad,
Than for myself to be among the dead.
For they know not a thing,
Think carefully before you get the unbearable sting,
It is not for the Devil's leisure,
It is for God Almighty's Pleasure.

LinkedIn: Gerald Tapiwa Moyo
@Gerald_Tapiwa_M on Twitter


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