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This Everlasting Prayer

Let us pray for the world to quit, desist all folly , the
loving of pornography, the stealing, the lying and
evil thoughts including all activities that do not
please, honor and satisfy the Almighty God.
So that the world may turn into a good doing place
for the pleasure of our Creator so as for the good
deeds to be exemplary to the generations to come.

I wish you people would quit all dirty, lewd, stupid
acts and pertain to please He who made us to be
what we are immediately, let us do it for the
Pleasing of The Almighty God Forever for without
Him we will be having no taste for any food even
the breathe.

People don't forget to do acts that are in a good way
not a rude way for children to follow at least do it
for the next generations so that the world may turn
into a benevolent one so as for the pleasure of the
Almighty God for without He we are nothing at all.

Share with everyone alive.
Gerald Tapiwa Moyo

A scriptwriter of MicrofacticsScripts
Whose chief purpose is honoring, pleasing the
Almighty God Forever for without Him we are
nothing at all.

Share with everyone alive, anywhere, anyhow for the Pleasure
of the Almighty God in heaven.


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