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The Official  Invitation policy statement of Microfactics Incorporation.

This is the official invitation to join Microfactics also known as the "Small True Activity" or the "Folly Eradication Team".

By accepting the official terms and conditions you freely join Microfactics.

 Terms and Conditions  under Microfactics Incorporation:

1. Being part of this organization  means you pay tribute to the One who created all things by honoring Him so that you would satisfy Him.
2. You will be either publishing or  writing scripts (messages) to promote the removal of stupidness, lewdness, untrustworthiness, untruthfulness in human beings which is folly.
3. You are supposed to do as follows:
Quit wearing miniskirts, skinny jeans or  being  in a dishabille way when you are in public or outside your premises. Of which you should persuade people to wear in a decent manner
Quit consuming any alcoholic beverages or being under the influence of drug addictions.
If you were consulting the devil's agents stop it.
If you were watching any pornographic material stop it following that spirit.
Stop listening or watching material that disgusts the Almighty God like hip hop music, dance hall  and many other genres but praise only the Almighty God at all times.
If you were watching horror and satanic content you better stop.
Apply these activities in the name of Microfactics Incorporation.
Speak only the truth.
Do not apply any hairstyle or cut which is sided to stupidness.
Accept to shun evil by saying:

i. No to pornography.
ii. No to lewdness.
iii. No to alcoholism.
iv. No to  any type of imbecility.
v. No to idolatry or worshiping of any other god other than the Creator of all things, the Almighty God who is the Prince of peace and Lords of all living lords, who is also the King of all living kings, The Major Emperor of all little emperors of this little earth.
vi. Doing anything that is forbidden as on the Ten commandments is surely an abomination in the eyes and presence of the Creator on His heavenly throne.
vii. Accept that without the Lord God Almighty we are nothing at all and we have nothing surely nothing at all we are bare for this is reality not a rehearsal of the useless and stupid activities we practice on this earth.
Note: This is a nonprofit organization.
 This organization will be visiting children’s homes and hospitals.
These are the terms and conditions to join Microfactics Incorporation.

For more information please contact Gerald Tapiwa Moyo the founder of Microfactics:

On  our Facebook page: Microfactics Incorporation, Twitter, Whatsapp: +263737660793 and on LinkedIn.

You are free to send an email to the founder


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