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Feelings 101 : Present Yourself To The Present.

Highly forgive my senses. How do you remember a family member or even someone else? Is it because of their way of relation with you or a memory that haunts you a bit when you scan through your Central Storage?

We have been keeping various mishaps inside our Storage Units, things that we are supposed to get rid of simply because keeping them is nothing but harbouring ingredients to create an atomic bomb. We have emotional pain that disturbs us all day and everyday, much of this pain is due to what someone has said to us or about us in the past. Mostly the words will be classified by the speaker or source as jokes, yet we find ourselves punched in the eyes or having been deactivated from breathing for a couple of multiple milliseconds.

Even though we identify the bad memory as the only way to retrieve a fellow, we find ourselves living in the past. We get retarded emotionally, we feel uncomfortable when the person or people who did 'evil' to us are around, when these 'bad people' ( because our systems registered them as evil) show up, our minds tend to replay what they did to us therefore arising some anger in us.  Allowing ourselves to delete the bad memories has been and is still kind of hard to easily accept. Think of this; when we find ourselves looking for the best things that we could and we had done with these people, that is when we can start to unchain ourselves, moving from the ice block step by step.

Cooling down that heavy ice plays a great role of accepting other people's deformities in our lives, therefore we find ourselves knowing when to stop stressing about  the trivial. As I mentioned, keeping the burden is spreading neglected butter on a slice of unforgiveness by so piling up more hatred, again and again. We can clear our minds if we are willing, that keenness to accept change can move mountains in our lives.

We all make mistakes and in the same way, we all look forward to being granted forgiveness. The bad words that blew away our happiness might have caused intense pain, yet we must realize that, those blows did not kill us. So why should we worry about some, 'I could have died...', when we are breathing? Why keeping a dozen fold blade spear in your chest? Piercing ourselves meaning nothing like elevating towards the truly sublime.

We can stop all the bleeding that we have not been aware of by accepting that being visionary in a much brighter perspective opens up the doors that have no darkness, assuring ourselves that smiling won't be based on pretending. We need to start living in the present while looking at an alive tomorrow. In rewind, we have even deepened the disrespect towards other people, insulting them as if they were never going to be at their coming birthdays. We have done so indirectly and even intentionally. Is there need for us to act smart?

Examining closely; some people somewhere that you have uprooted their hearts are seen in the present but exist in the past, just because of you. So here is the deal; either you want to forgive and forget or you to be blamed to have killed someone that you have not physically stabbed but emotionally tortured and murdered.  Therefore when get to know about an obituary of someone you victimized by debasing for no useful reason comes up, you are the one who deeply get alarmed by the news because you had a profound connection, a foundation laid below the visible. When someone makes fun out of us or when we do the same to others, what is created is a very corrupt bond that requires a pure antidote to scrape away the crassness.

So here we are at the fulcrum of the less debated matter but buried in us, that tastes the same as an immature funfair, yet it is an important part of us. In reference to The LORD's prayer according to the book of pure wisdom in Matthew 6 verse 9 up to where are reminded to forgive those who trespass against us, that is one another. For us to be forgiven in the same manner by the Father of the true light. So forgive to be forgiven and in the same way love to be loved. 

KJV Luke 6
Love Your Enemies
27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

When we do this we live happily without minding the sticky inappropriate that pulls us back to the disgusting memories.

So take it in your heart today and confess that you want to change and get rid of all the bad memories that you possess. Pray along :
Father, I want to change and become a new creation. In order to love those that hate me by caring for them in anyway that I can. Until your kingdom come, in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

You have received this gift as an important jewel, do not hesitate to give it too to change someone else's life.

Thank you for reading this gift of #TheThinkingSeries about the Feelings 101 message.


Stay awake! :
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The Given Heart at @gerald_tapiwa_m


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