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You Can Play A Part on : #ThinkingAboutSexualOrientation

Random thoughts do come into our minds. Yes we say we do think and disappointments that are quite emotional visit us in the midst of some locomotive bliss even our so-called, " very important business" yet accordingly what we do the most as we waste the precious breathe is trivial.

Representing the whole issue in front of you; so clear like the rain as it pours itself on you then in a few moments your body becomes Victoria Falls. The need to take a recess is void when it comes to discussing the most important. Is it even making sense to you? We call most of ourselves thinkers and rational brains even geniuses. Then the matter in front of us immediately can prove if you truly think or you are just a babbler. I assume that none of us as ordinary humans who have been reached by this piece is from Jupiter or Mars and that we all breathe plus even know that we were created.

With our honest minds; can we necessarily declare that a male and a male to succeed in procreation; even the other way round — a female and a female? Have you ever given yourself some time to muse on the base of the situation when you are a proper mother or father who has once had or have a true husband or wife and father or mother to your child or children even the ones you adopted; about what it means when people like only son whom you will be waiting upon; for instance to be the next head of the Rodriguez family. Simply meaning that you will be seriously in need of a grandchild. As you will be so expectant that your only son comes with his fiancee; the next moment your son comes in with his phone, smiling from ear to ear then reveals his partner. Pointing at a shabby looking gentleman, "Look! Is not my fiancee so cute...?" What will be the first impression that dives into your mind? Are you going to drop your brain to the ground and carelessly spit out these words, "Your future is bright son!"
Or are you going let your brain to be ablaze by getting off the couch, reaching your son's face to rip it off? From another angle you would just deepen the friendly mode and in your sincere conclusion as you softly say,
"Let us reason together; go and find yourself a fine woman, I am in need of grandchildren..."

Without relying on the environmental factors, we must consider the most important first. What does it even mean when a girl or woman decides to date or apply erotic love towards another fellow girl? Does this not ring a bell of thoughtful facts?

From the beginning when human kind was created by the Omnipotent, KJV Genesis 1
Creation of Man in the Image of God
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The above verifies that we were made in the Omniscient's image and we were created male and female. In the first place it was only Adam and Eve; meaning only two people. There was not two females or two males but male and female. What did Jehovah assign us to be? To be fruitful and multiply! Unfortunately when babies are being born; the chief rebel which is known as Satan will be waiting to devastate a fruitful future before it comes. He casts plagues into wombs and causes confusion. Therefore that is when a baby is said to have the characteristics of both a male and a female which becomes perverse to the way the Almighty God created. Satan sets traps in every way possible to destroy the human kind because he knows that his days are numbered.

Unfortunately when we will be pondering about the normality of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender/Transsexual (community) whether they need rights or not; we should consider the presence of the Almighty God who loves us to do what is right at all times. We need to pray fervently because the Devil is raging war, this is war. Only Jesus Christ can change us if we are willing to accept that Satan planted the spirit of being LGBT. In the normal community which includes everyone else; when someone ( a male) is terrified by seeing for the time a girl whom he loves and had tried to convince her multiple times since they were in the eighth grade; operating a French kiss onto another girl, therefore what may come straight into his mind can be,
" So I am so rotten to the extent that she prefers to love another girl of the same sex with her away from me?"
This comes in applicable to the ordinary community we are in. On what straight boys think of straight girls who turn to homosexuality. Do they mean that boys are rotten and disgusting monsters? Even the other way round to females who are straight, about what they think accordingly to their hopes, when they are writing wishes in their diaries then they had writen a certain boy's name to be the father of their children then the next moment they get invited to wedding that shocks out their irises...

Being natural is very important; the Holy Bible tells us the best that can smite the devil's heart about what it means to be joined in marriage as male and female as it was stated when Noah had finished building the ark,
KJV Genesis 6
19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. When we are joined as male and female we are kept alive; even if we pass on then our offspring will leave their own too...
What does the Word of the God Almighty tell us about what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality and the perverse deeds that they did? The treacherous cities were destroyed by raining magma. God had shown Mercy to the people but they chose their own ways.

If you are a homosexual or you know a friend, nephew, niece, sister or brother who suffers from homosexuality then waste no time for there is no better time to tell him or her to run to Jesus Christ with a full heart before the time lands at its destination. You do have this moment to pray for yourself and them that are stuck; open up everything to your Creator, He knows about your tommorow. Stop that ego from finishing your pillar of time. This race does not require any of us to be selfish. Be open. Just pour it out with your whole heart. Yes the Almighty God is waiting for you to come; confession and acceptance is important. The True Love's arms wide open.

Homosexuality kills your efforts to be closer to the Almighty God. Refuse it today. Stop supporting it and if you are inside the open prison, break free and run to the light that exposes all things are that are hidden. Darkness is nothing but a wailing element has no good records and rewards; it is just doom and destruction. What would you desire will it be eternal torment ending with extinction or eternal life that is full of everlasting true bliss? In conclusion; homosexuality is a painful demolishing tool of the devil known as Satan. You can it push away through fervently praying for your change and you must accept to change. You can be successful if you initialize your plot with the Name that has never and will never face defeat — Jesus Christ!

You were originally created for the best option which is honouring the Almighty God. What are you waiting for? Listen to what your Creator is saying for He loves you no matter what you have done,
KJV Isaiah 1
18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

What are you waiting for? — Time waits for no man!

#2020 @gerald_tapiwa_m | @microfactics #AcceptToChange #AreYouReady #FeelTheReal #Find_Yourself_First #GoodBeginsWithYou #OpenDoors #TheThinkingSeries #ThinkDifferently


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