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Showing posts from September, 2018

Check these out.

Your desire for doing is a profound feature exhibit it.

Is Alcohol into you?

If you choose alcohol you should know that you have chosen the devil because alcohol is one of devil's instruments of destruction. The devil did not come to love but to destruct. Every time people who say they going to attend a party at any time the first thing you overhear them requesting is alcohol. Why is alcohol into people in this manner that they cannot tell themselves to stop? Some medical practitioners even preach against it yet after that they administer it to themselves to the very extent that they get home the next morning lying to their wives or husbands that there have been on a night shift. It is my sincere desire to see the world quit drinking alcohol for even other pregnant women consume it like they are drinking water. Some who mostly pretend to singers of good teaching songs then start exhibiting it through songs which will be like they are worshipping alcohol. School children even start being alcoholics from school through the misbehaving of these ...

This Duty.

Sometimes I think of asking you a question, that can change the state of my countenance upon the excitement of the heart inside me. Yet I runout of the precious little letters that, I would be imagining if you would find them making some reasonable sense when they sink through your eyes or ears. I wait yet I still retrieve a request for me to grab air. Seeing this world doing what astonishes the devil is disgusting to me. I request assistance from you yet you say you are not fit to follow the good ways other than following the tracks that leads to destruction. You should not fear to proclaim the very purpose we humans were created to execute. Lord God Almighty will not forsake us, not at any hour or moment. We should do good at all times. By Gerald Tapiwa Moyo @Small_True_Acts Of Microfactics Inc. The World should quit all folly now. #No_to_all_folly ©Gerald Tapiwa Moyo Share with everyone alive.

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