Life happens, It flies in its own direction, While I simply observe, sharpening my senses. No longer entangled in the web of fiction, You choose to watch, Yet you cannot choose not to be watched. Others observe those who watch, While they themselves are watched by others. It's a do-or-die scenario, A moment within moments of stark reality. #TheThinkingSeries #FindYourself #DestroyDepression
Dancing around every corner Dark shadows printing putrefying rainbow soup. Glancing around every shade; immediately making one a mourner. Stuck inside the hollow emotions; Among the formerly gorgeous troops. Still me thought, "What happened to our Mother?" We have been praying, while slicing our unripe crops. Our Father in Heaven knows further, When the frying turns out to be burning We have not been busy with developing We have not been busy with awakening. Wake up O our blood, we are dropping! Tavakutandadza rakacheka nyika Ropa rwekedu harichafambi takatyoka. Siyahlupheka bantu. Siyahlupheka. Igazi lethu alisagelezi.... Tunateseka, watu. Tunateseka. Damu yetu haitiririki tena. We are suffering, people. We are suffering. Our blood is no longer flowing! We know nothing but pretend To know things. Who is paying attention? O, Africa's children, Your Mother is waiting for rejuvenation. Why are you so lazy when it comes To restoring Her lost principles?...